Favorite Links:
Information about the links or groups of links shown below.
You can look up informatin regarding H-1B legislation on he www.house.gov & www.senate.gov sites. You can obtain your representatives e-mail address there as well. We urge you to e-mail them and have your friends and colleagues do the same

This is the U.S. Senate web site.
House of Representatives U.S. House of Representatives.
Debunking the labor shortage myth UC Davis Professor This site explains in detail the myth regarding the high tech labor shortage.
UE Foundation - IT workforce data projectMore Info on H-1B
Computer World - Top 20 Companies Using H-1B'sTop 20 of H-1B Fame.
Online U.S. Newspaper ListingsListing of all the online U.S. newspapers by state and city.
Hall of ShameGreate site!! Lots of info on H-1b's