H-1B Reform
Congress voted to bring in 600,000 (additional)foreign workers to replace U.S. Engineers, programmers, nurses, etc.

Quote from an article in the Indianapolis Star. Indiana's immigrants offset 'brain drain' By DAVID EGGERT STAFF WRITER Published: Friday, July 14, 2000 in THE INDIANAPOLIS STAR
"Foreign universities have staked their futures on high-tech education," said Tuchman, who has worked with immigrants from Bangalore and other technical institutes. "Those kids have more discipline and experience than many of the young kids coming out of American universities."
Some facts about the h-1b program
1) Congress has just voted to allow 600,000 more foreign workers to come and replace American workers
2)Fritz Holling SC was the only Senator to vote against the increase of h-1b's
3) a 1998 poll showed that over 90% of Americans were against an increase in the number of h-1b visas
Of course Congress ignored the will of the people
4) A recent study by the IT workforce data project concluded that over the past fifty years "There is no evidence that any serious shortages of technical professionals -- engineers in the past, information technology specialists now -- have ever occured"
5) The computer industry has pumped over twenty seven million into federal campaigns.
6) Orrin Hatch and Spencer Abraham sponsers of the bill in the Senate have received over $1 million in high-tech campaign contributions each.
7) Chairmen of House and Senate campaign committes have received letters explicity warning that tech companies will not support legislators who dawdle on h-1b legislation.
8) Tom Davis who chairs a GOP campaign committe acknowledged " This is not a popular bill with the public. It's popular with the CEO's who give the money."
9)Congress has currently allowed close to one half million foreign replacement workers into the U.S. already, not including the new 600,000, to take normally high paying (mostly technical) jobs that could be filled by U.S. workers who are either unemployed or under-employed. That number represents almost one third of all computer programmers.
10)The benefits to the U.S. tech firms are numerous. First the h-1b workers generally are paid much lower wages then U.S. workers, they cannot ask for a raise during there six year tenure, they cannot leave to go to another employer, they cannot complain and most are not paid benefits. The U.S. firms have the ultimate employee in their eyes.
11) The unemployment rate for programmer over the age of 40 is 17%, not including those who have found other jobs not paying as well.
Replacing U.S. workers and new graduates with cheap foreign labor is ultimately going to hurt the U.S. advantage in technology. Hi-tech firms short-sighted concerns for high profit returns will ultimately give the technical advantage to other countries while leaving U.S. workers in their wake.
What can you do?
Call or write your representative and Senators
Vote - Let congress know that it was the voters who put them in office and we can take them out
Write Letters to the editor of your local paper
Sign & ditribute a petition (see Hall of Shame on Favorite Links page
Let congress know how you feel, ask your representative how they intend to vote on the issue. The members of Congress listed below are either sponsors or co-sponsors of bills to increase the h-1b limits. There are many others who are in favor of increasing the numbers, but are not listed here, so please contact your representative and let them know how you feel. Please vote against those supporting this if they are up for re-election.
Two recent articles: (from Norm Matloff newsletter)are on the Whats New page
Below are the House & Senate members who want to increase the number of foreign workers
Presidential candidate: George Bush Presidential candidate: Al Gore
House members: Rep Dave DREIER Rep Calvert, Ken Rep Davis, Thomas M. Rep Dunn, Jennifer Rep Kolbe, Jim Rep Largent, Steve Rep Rogan, James E. Rep Shays, Christopher
Rep David Wu Rep Davis, Thomas M. Rep Ehrlich, Robert L., Jr. Rep Frost, Martin Rep Gonzalez, Charles A. Rep Hooley, Darlene Rep Payne, Donald M. Rep Stark, Fortney Pete Rep Bishop, Sanford D. Jr Rep jackson-Lee Sheila Rep Brown, Corrine Rep Clayton, Eva M. Rep Clyburn, James E. Rep Hilliard, Earl F. Rep Smith, Lamar Rep Johnson, Eddie Bernice Rep Jones, Stephanie Tubbs Rep Meek, Carrie P. Rep Thompson, Bennie G. Dashle, T. Rep Wynn, Albert Russell Rep Regula, Ralph
Sen John McCain
Sen Phil Graham
Sen Abraham, Spencer Sen Ashcroft, John
Sen Brownback, Sam Sen Lott, Trent
Sen McConnell, Mitch
Sen Orrin Hatch
Sen Abraham, Spencer Sen Ashcroft, John
Sen Bennett, Robert F. Sen Brownback, Sam
Sen DeWine, Michael Sen Feinstein, Dianne
Sen Gorton, Slade Sen Graham, Bob
Sen Gramm, Phil Sen Grams, Rod
Sen Hagel, Chuck Sen Lieberman, Joseph I.
Sen Lott, Trent Sen Mack, Connie
Sen McConnell, Mitch Sen Nickles, Don
Sen Smith, Gordon Sen Specter, Arlen
Sen Warner, John W.
Sen Voinivich, George
Sen Boxer, Barbara
Sen Ted Kennnedy
Top 20 Companies Employing H-1B Workers
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